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Motion for Relief from Stay

  1. Select Bankruptcy > Motions/Applications.
  2. Enter Case Number (e.g. xx-xxxxx).  Click Next.
  3. Select Relief from Stay from the event list. Click Next.
  4. Click Next to skip the Joint Filing Screen.
  5. Select the Party filer. Click Next.
    • If the party is not listed, click on Add/Create New Party.

Motion to Reinstate Case

  1. Select Bankruptcy > Motions/Applications.
  2. Enter Case Number (e.g. xx-xxxxx).  Click Next.
  3. Select Reinstate Case from the event list. Click Next.
  4. Click Next to skip the Joint Filing Screen.
  5. Select the Party filer. Click Next.
    • If the party is not listed, click on Add/Create New Party.

Motion to Redact

DO NOT use this event if you are seeking to redact personal identifying information as described in Fed. R. Bank. P. 9037 (a) (social security or taxpayer identification numbers, financial account numbers, and/or dates of birth or names of minor children) from documents on file with the Court.


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