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Court Contacts

Omaha Clerk's Office: (402) 661-7444

Lincoln Clerk's Office: (402) 437-1625

Courtroom Department:

Deb (402) 661-7463

Kelsi (402) 473-1631

Case Management Department: (Use when redaction IS approved by the Court) (Use when directed by the Court) (Use for procedure questions as it relates to case filings)

Omaha Numbers = The Year /#8 (i.e. BK08-80978)

Lincoln Numbers = The Year /#4 (i.e. BK08-40978)

Cases are assigned according to the last number of the respective bankruptcy case. For example case BK18-80978 or BK18-40978, would be assigned to "Beth" according to the table.

Name Number(s) Assigned Phone Number
Beth 0, 7, 8 (402) 661-7472
Jackie 2, 3, 4 (402) 661-7469
Kourtney 1, 5, 6, 9 (402) 661-7467