Tuesday, November 2, 2021
The Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nebraska has been working on revisions to the current Local Rules. The Revised Local Rules, the Revised Appendices and the Log of Proposed Revisions can be found on the Court's webpage at www.neb.uscourts.gov under -->Local Rules-->Draft Local Rules and under News & Announcements. Many of the changes reflect recent General Orders which have been incorporated into the Revised Local Rules and many changes due to a new look. If you have suggestions on the revisions, please send them to NEBml_LocalRulesComments@neb.uscourts.govĀ no later than December 3, 2021.
Memorandum re Log of Local Rule Changes
Revised Local Rules 10.25.2021
Revised Appendix 10.25.2021
Thank you for your input