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United States Courts Opinions

United States Courts Opinions (USCOURTS) collection is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) to provide public access to opinions from selected United States appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts.

The District of Nebraska offers a database of opinions for the years 1997 to current, listed by year and judge. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above.

After a trial on a creditor’s motion for relief from the automatic stay and the debtor’s objection to that creditor’s proofs of claim, along with a request for valuation and cramdown, the court granted the motion for stay relief because the debtor did not own nor did he have a leasehold or possessory interest in the secured real estate, and no justification was shown for extending the automatic stay to third parties.

While the debtor does not own the real estate and his discharge would not affect the creditor’s lien against the property pursuant to § 524(e), the court ruled on the valuation issues concerning the land in order to ascertain whether the debtor could develop a confirmable plan. After evaluating the testimony of each party’s expert witness, the court found the creditor’s valuation to be more reliable, resulting in the creditor being over-secured. The court therefore overruled the debtor’s objection to the creditor’s claims.

Because the debtor’s pending Chapter 12 plan was predicated upon the creditor’s claims being crammed down as under-secured, the court gave the debtor an opportunity to show cause why the case should not be dismissed for failure to propose a confirmable plan.

This adversary proceeding was filed by a creditor holding a judgment in a state-court lawsuit finding that the debtor had committed tortious conversion. The complaint seeks a denial of discharge under § 727(a)(4)(A) because the debtor failed to disclose certain assets in his bankruptcy schedules and at his § 341 meeting, or, alternatively, an exception from discharge based on § 523(a)(4).

The debtor filed a motion for partial judgment on the pleadings as to the denial of discharge. The court denied the motion, stating that while “there is no dispute that certain information was omitted from Navarro’s initial set of bankruptcy schedules, although they were later amended, and that testimony he gave at his § 341 meeting was not factually accurate[, t]he key issue is whether those statements were knowingly and fraudulently made. It is difficult for the court to determine whether a debtor’s actions were intentional without the opportunity to hear from the debtor and gauge his credibility.”

The creditor filed a motion for summary judgment regarding the exception from discharge under § 523(a)(4) for larceny, on the basis that the state court judgment is res judicata. Had that judgment been made part of the record in the bankruptcy court, the summary judgment motion likely would have been granted. However, the court denied it on the grounds that the lack of evidence rendered it impossible to determine what facts, if any, concerning dischargeability under § 523(a)(4) were in dispute.

The court denied the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment on its § 523(a)(2) claims to except a debt from discharge because factual issues exist as to the debtor’s intent in his statements to the bank and whether the bank justifiably relied on that information.

The bankruptcy court granted the debtors’ motion to dismiss an adversary proceeding against them, on collateral estoppel and Rooker-Feldman grounds. The adversary complaint sought a determination that debts owed to the plaintiffs, based on a state court judgment, were excepted from discharge under § 523(a)(2). The plaintiffs had filed a lawsuit in state court alleging fraudulent misrepresentation and breach of contract in connection with a lease of real property. The state court ruled against the plaintiffs on the fraudulent misrepresentation claim, specifically finding they did not prove fraudulent intent. Collateral estoppel prevents an issue that was fully and fairly litigated by the parties in state court with a final judgment on the merits from being relitigated in bankruptcy court. Therefore, the § 523(a)(2) claim premised on false representations was barred. In addition, the Rooker-Feldman doctrine bars the bankruptcy court from exercising subject-matter jurisdiction  over the fraudulent misrepresentation claims because of the possibility of undermining the state court decision.

The court denied the parties’ cross-motions for summary judgment on the judgment creditor’s complaint that the debt is non-dischargeable under § 523(a)(2)(A) and on the debtor’s counterclaim for breach of the automatic stay based on the creditor’s correspondence with the state court. The state-court default judgment did not establish the necessary elements – in particular, false representation and intent – of § 523(a)(2)(A), so it could not on its own support an exception from discharge for this debt and further fact-finding was necessary. Likewise, while the creditor’s violation of the automatic stay did appear to be willful, the record did not support a summary award of damages.

The debtor filed this adversary proceeding alleging breach of contract and fraud against the seller from whom the debtor bought an affordable housing complex. The court denied the defendant’s motion to dismiss the adversary complaint for failure to state a claim, finding that if the allegations in the complaint are construed in favor of the plaintiff, they are legally sufficient to survive dismissal.

On the debtors' challenge to the claim filed by their mortgage holder and servicer, the court granted summary judgment in favor of the creditor. First, the court determined the debtors had no standing to challenge the assignment of the promissory note to its current holder because they hadn't shown any harm to themselves as a result of the assignment, and because they earlier in the bankruptcy case had conceded that the note holder holds a valid perfected security interest in their residence. Second, the court determined the debtors had not produced sufficient evidence under Rule 3001(f) to rebut the prima facie validity of the claim.

The bankruptcy court granted summary judgment to a creditor in this Chapter 13 case, finding the debt non-dischargeable under 11 U.S.C. § 1328(a)(4). The creditor holds a judgment for actual and punitive damages and attorneys' fees for the debtor's willful, malicious, and reckless violation of the Iowa law against unauthorized interception and disclosure of oral communications. The court determined that the debt constitutes a debt "for . . . damages awarded in a civil action against the debtor as a result of willful or malicious injury by the debtor that caused personal injury to an individual" and is not dischargeable pursuant to § 1328(a)(4).

After a trial on the dischargeability of the debtor's student loan indebtedness, the court ruled that the debt was excepted from discharge because the plaintiff did not meet her burden of proving an undue hardship. Questions remain as to available sources of income for the debtor and her minor children, and whether certain expenses are necessary or likely to exist for the foreseeable future. The debtor is also eligible for an income-based repayment plan and, as an employee of a non-profit agency, may be eligible for a public service loan forgiveness program under which she could discharge her loan obligation after 10 years of payments. The totality of the debtor's circumstances weighed against discharge of this debt.

The holder of a super-priority unsecured administrative expense claim sought disgorgement of all administrative expenses paid during the Chapter 11 and subsequent Chapter 7 phases of this bankruptcy case in order that the funds could be applied to its claim. The court denied the motion due to the unique facts and circumstances of this case.
First, the court ruled, the Chapter 7 administrative expenses were paid from another creditor's collateral, so disgorgement would simply return those funds to the secured creditor rather than make them available for the super-priority claimant. Moreover, the super-priority claimant had notice of and did not object to the arrangement between the lender and the trustee, and there is no basis now for disturbing that arrangement.
Second, the court ruled, disgorgement of the Chapter 11 administrative expenses would be inequitable because they were paid without objection from the super-priority claimant, even though the debtor was not paying the super-priority claimant at the time. "It simply would be inequitable to allow Hansen's to come in at this late stage to seek disgorgement of duly earned fees from estate professionals. Hansen's had the ability to control this outcome. It could have stopped supplying fuel as soon as debtor defaulted on payment terms. That would have greatly reduced the claim of Hansen's. It also could have objected to payment of administrative claims as soon as it knew that the debtor was not in compliance with payment terms. It did not do those things. Hansen's took a risk that the debtor would successfully reorganize. It gambled and lost."
