The Docketing Standards For Evidence can be found in the Court's Local Rules at Appendix "P".
The following standards are established to make it easier to offer evidence and to provide docket consistency.
- Do NOT attach evidence to a certificate of service, exhibit list, notice of intent to offer evidence, or index of evidence. File each document to be offered as evidence separately except for supporting documents to the item of evidence which may be filed as attachments with an informative description.
Example: An affidavit with attached supporting documents.File the affidavit on the docket. File the supporting documents as attachments to the affidavit and describe them (e.g. promissory note, bank statement, deed of trust, appraisal). Do not name attachments “Exhibit 1” or another generic name. Use a detailed description.
See docket entry examples below.
- Use the following format for the docket text:
Exhibit: [description of exhibit] in support of [motion or objection] (you may add additional text for clarification). If the exhibit is an affidavit or declaration, the affiant should be identified. Example: Affidavit of [affiant] in support of [motion or objection].
- Offer evidence by referencing its docket number.
- File lists (e.g. exhibit list, notice of intent to offer evidence, and index of evidence) after you file the exhibits so it is assigned a docket number you can reference.
Docket Entry Examples:
Docket Text Final Text |
EXHIBIT - Bank Statement in Support of Motion for Relief. Filed by Patricia Fahey (related document(s) [3]). |
Docket Text Final Text |
Affidavit of Jane Doe in Support of Objection to Motion for Relief. Filed by Patricia Fahey (related document(s) [4]). (Attachments: #[1] Exhibit Promissory Note #(2) Exhibit Deed of Trust). |