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Rule 2016-1. Compensation of Professionals

Part II. Officers and Administration; Notices; Meetings; Examinations; Elections; Attorneys and Accountants

            A.         Fee Application. Subject to section D, a party must file an application for compensation for services and reimbursement under 11 U.S.C. § 330. Except in Chapter 7 cases, a fee application must also be filed if the debtor’s attorney received a pre-petition bankruptcy retainer or payment from property of the debtor, or from property of a person or entity other than the debtor, even if no additional compensation is sought in connection with the bankruptcy case. Fee applications must comply with the national fee guidelines promulgated by the Executive Office of the United States Trustee under 28 U.S.C. § 586(a)(3)(A)(i) and any Policy of the United States Trustee for Region 13 for Implementation of Fee Guidelines.

            B.         Time to File. Fee applications must be filed before the case is closed. If a trustee is appointed in the case, the trustee must notify all court approved professionals 14 days before the trustee files a final report to allow professionals an opportunity to timely file a fee application. If the court approved interim compensation, the professional must file a final fee application.

            C.         Contents. All fee applications must contain a time summary exhibit, constructed from contemporaneously kept time records. The exhibit must state the dates services were performed, the number of hours spent in tenths of an hour on each task, a concise statement of the task, the identity of the individual performing the work, the relationship of the service to the estate, and the value thereof. If compensation for future services is sought, the exhibit must state an estimate of the number of hours that will be expended for future services. All fee applications must disclose all fees previously approved to be paid to the applicant, including pre-petition payments, and services and expenses to be compensated from any pre-petition retainer.

            D.         Chapter 13 Fee Applications. This Local Rule does not apply to debtor’s attorney’s fees in Chapter 13 cases, which an attorney must request under the No-Look Compensation Plan in Appendix E-1 and E-2.