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Schedules and Statement of Financial Affairs

EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2015, when filing schedules & statement of financial affairs after the initial Bankruptcy petition has already been filed, you will no longer be able to choose the event “Schedules & Statement of Financial Affairs”. You will now have to pick each schedule separately from the available events. See Image below:

NOTE: You will be able to pick more than one schedule by holding down the control key (Ctrl) and click to add additional schedules, however, the Ch 7 Means Test, Ch 13 Statement of Monthly Income, and Ch 11 Statement of Monthly  Income will need to be filed using a separate event.

  1. Select Bankruptcy > Other
  2. Enter Case Number (e.g. xx-xxxxx).  Click Next.
  3. Select from the Available Events what you are filing. (i.e. Schedule A/B, ScheduleC., ...Statement of  Financial Affairs, Statement of Intent, Summary of Assets). To pick more than one item, hold down the  control key (Ctrl) and click.  Once you have selected all the items you are filing and they all appear in the “Selected Events” box, click Next.
  4. Click Next to skip the Joint Filing Screen.
  5. Select the Party filer.  Click Next.
    • The Attorney/Party Association screen may appear.  If your party selection was correct, check the box to create an association.
  6. Select Choose File to browse and select the pdf file. Click Next.
  7. The screens that follow, will ask for statistical information. Enter the amounts asked for in each screen. Note: If the amount is 0, do not leave blank, enter 0.00.  Click Next.  
    • If Filing Schedule A/B:
      • Enter Real Property Amount in the text box.
      • Enter Personal Property Amount in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Schedule C:
      • Enter Total Value of Claimed Exemptions in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Schedule D:
      • Enter Secured Claims Total in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Schedule E/F:
      • Enter Priority Unsecured Claims Amounts in the text box.
      • Enter NonPriority Unsecured Claims Total in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Schedule I:
      • Enter Average Income of Individual Debtor(s) in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Schedule J:
      • Enter Expenditures of Debtor(s) in the text box.
      • Click Next.
    • If Filing Summary of Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information:
      • Enter the appropriate amounts in the correct text box.
      • Click Next.
  8. If needed, modify the text according to the court's procedures. Click Next.
  9. Verify the final docket text before submitting.  If correct, click Next
    CAUTION!!  This is the last screen.  Clicking Next will submit your document to CM/ECF.  If the final docket text is incorrect, click the Back button to find the screen to modify or abort the transaction by clicking on Bankruptcy on the CM/ECF Menu bar.
  10. Notice of Electronic Filing/Receipt screen displays
    The Notice of Electronic Filing certifies that this pleading is now an official court document.