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Certificate of Credit Counseling

  1. Select Bankruptcy > Other
  2. Enter Case Number (e.g. xx-xxxxx).  Click Next.
  3. Select Certificate of Credit Counseling from the event list.  Click Next.
  4. Click Next to skip the Joint Filing Screen.
  5. Select the Party filer.  Click Next.
    • If the case is a joint case, select the debtor that is filing this Certificate.  If you are attaching both debtors' pdfs, select both debtors.
    • If the party is not listed, click on Add/Create New Party.
    • The Attorney/Party Association screen may appear.  If your party selection was correct, check the box to create an association.
  6. Select Choose File to browse and select the pdf file. Click Next.
    • If you are filing for a Single Debtor with a single PDF certificate, you will click on Choose File, navigate to your directory and select the PDF to attach.
    • If you are filing for Joint Debtors and saved the certificates as one PDF document, you will click on Choose File, navigate to your directory and  select the PDF to attach.
    • If you are filing for Joint Debtors and saved each certificate as its own PDF document, (two separate PDF documents), you will click on Choose File, navigate to your directory and select the first certificate PDF to attach.  Then you will select Yes for “Attachment to Document” and attach the second certificate PDF Document.
  7. If this is not a joint case, you will just Click Next.
  8. If this is a joint case, Select who the certificate or certificates are being filed on behalf of:
    • Select Debtor if you are filing the certificate for the first debtor only.
    • Select Joint Debtor if you are filing the certificate for the second debtor only.
    • Select Both if you are filing the certificates for both debtors and are attaching both PDF certificates.
    • Click Next.
  9. Verify the final docket text before submitting.  If correct, click Next.
    CAUTION!!  This is the last screen.  Clicking Next will submit your document to CM/ECF.  If the final docket text is incorrect, click the Back button to find the screen to modify or abort the transaction by clicking on Bankruptcy on the CM/ECF Menu bar.
  10. Notice of Electronic Filing/Receipt screen displays
    The Notice of Electronic Filing certifies that this pleading is now an official court document.