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E-Filing Reaffirmation Agreement (eReaf)

Electronic Filing of Reaffirmation Agreements 

  • Parties may file Reaffirmation Agreements electronically. A login/password is not required. 
  • This system should only be used by Creditor or Attorney filers.
  • All motions to approve reaffirmation agreements and the reaffirmation agreements must be filed as separate documents.
  • DO NOT attempt to file a motion through eReaf, instead file the motion through CM/ECF
  • The Official Form and Cover Sheet must be attached as a single PDF. 

Instructions for e-filing a Reaffirmation Agreement

  1. Go to the court's website at
  2. Click on NextGen CM/ECF > E-Filing Reaffirmation Agreements
  3. Click on E-File Reaffirmation Agreement
  4. Enter the applicable Case Number
  5. Check “redaction rules” box and Select Next
  6. Select the applicable creditor. If the creditor is listed, it will automatically come up in the following screen. NOTE: If the creditor is not listed on this screen, then select Creditor not listed (the next screen will require adding the creditor’s name and address).
  7. Ensure to make all the applicable selections and review prior to submitting.
    • Top portion of screen‐ Is the Reaffirmation Agreement an Original? Amended? Corrected? Is there a presumption of undue hardship? Answer either No or Yes.
    • Middle portion of screen – Browse and attached the PDF (i.e., Cover sheet/Reaffirmation Agreement). NOTE: The Reaffirmation Agreement and the cover sheet must be attached as a single PDF.
    • Bottom portion of screen – Enter the Verification Code in the applicable field. Select Submit Agreement.
  8. A docket entry (#) will be provided, if the process was successful.