Electronic Filing of Reaffirmation Agreements
- Parties may file Reaffirmation Agreements electronically. A login/password is not required.
- This system should only be used by Creditor or Attorney filers.
- All motions to approve reaffirmation agreements and the reaffirmation agreements must be filed as separate documents.
- DO NOT attempt to file a motion through eReaf, instead file the motion through CM/ECF
- The Official Form and Cover Sheet must be attached as a single PDF.
Instructions for e-filing a Reaffirmation Agreement
- Go to the court's website at www.neb.uscourts.gov
- Click on NextGen CM/ECF > E-Filing Reaffirmation Agreements
- Click on E-File Reaffirmation Agreement
- Enter the applicable Case Number
- Check “redaction rules” box and Select Next
- Select the applicable creditor. If the creditor is listed, it will automatically come up in the following screen. NOTE: If the creditor is not listed on this screen, then select Creditor not listed (the next screen will require adding the creditor’s name and address).
- Ensure to make all the applicable selections and review prior to submitting.
- Top portion of screen‐ Is the Reaffirmation Agreement an Original? Amended? Corrected? Is there a presumption of undue hardship? Answer either No or Yes.
- Middle portion of screen – Browse and attached the PDF (i.e., Cover sheet/Reaffirmation Agreement). NOTE: The Reaffirmation Agreement and the cover sheet must be attached as a single PDF.
- Bottom portion of screen – Enter the Verification Code in the applicable field. Select Submit Agreement.
- A docket entry (#) will be provided, if the process was successful.