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Open a Bankruptcy Case - No Deficiencies

  1. Select Bankruptcy.
  2. Select Open Voluntary Bankruptcy Case:
    • Select appropriate chapter from the drop down box.
    • Select “y” or “n” for Joint Petition.
    • Select “n” for no deficiencies.
    • Click Next.
  3. Search for a Debtor screen:
    • Enter Social Security Number/Tax Identification number to search for the debtor's name in the ECF database and click Search.
      • Party Search results:
        • If debtor's name appears, select the name only if it matches exactly the way it appears on the pdf copy of the Petition.
        • If debtor's name matches exactly the way it appears on the pdf, click on "Select name from list" button.
        • If debtor's name does not appear, or is not an exact match, click on "Create new party."
  4. Debtor Information screen:
    This screen appears for selected name or creating new party. Complete/Update the following appropriate fields for the debtor:
    • Enter complete name.
    • Enter complete Social Security Number/Tax Identification Number.
      NOTE: PDF copy of Petition must contain redacted Social Security Number.
    • Enter mailing address in Address 1 text box
    • Enter City, State, Zip, and County
    • Select the "Alias" button if debtor has an alias.
      • Complete all appropriate fields for alias(es)
      • Select appropriate Role for alias(es) (aka, dba, fdba, fka, pdba)
    • Review debtor information once more before submission.
    • Click Submit.
  5. Search for a Joint Debtor screen (If this is not a joint petition, go to step 6):
    • Joint Debtor Information screen appears if you have selected "y" for Joint Petition in the Case Data screen on Step #3.
    • Follow Steps 4-5 to add the Joint Debtor information.
      WARNING: If you do not receive the "Joint Debtor" screen and you have a Joint Debtor bankruptcy case, click Bankruptcy on the Main Menu and start over. Never click back to the first screen to change the "n" to a "y" for Joint Debtor.
  6. Divisional Office Location Screen:
    This screen informs you which “Office” the case is assigned to based on the county of the debtor. The system automatically selects the correct location.
    • Click Next.
      NOTE: If you need to change the First Meeting Location, you MUST receive prior permission by the United States Trustee. Upon approval from the United States Trustee, the Court will make any necessary corrections.
  7. Statistical Information Screen:
    • Select "yes" or "no" for Prior filing within last 8 years.
    • Select "Paid"or "Installments" or “Fee Not Paid” for Fee Status.
    • Select "consumer" or "business" or “other” for Nature of debt.
    • Asset notice will default to the correct Asset Notice. Do not change.
    • Select the appropriate Estimated number of creditors.
    • Select the appropriate Estimated Assets.
    • Select the appropriate Estimated Liabilities.
    • Select the correct "Type of debtor."
    • Select the correct "Nature of business", if applicable.
    • Review the information and click Next.
  8. Summary of Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information Screen:
    • Fill out the screen with the necessary information.
    • Click Next.
  9. US Trustee - Data Collection Screen:
    • Click Next.
      Note: You may get a pop up box that says "Warning: you have not entered any data." Click Ok.
  10. Select PDF document screen:
    • Select Choose File to browse and select the pdf file.
    • Click Next.
      Important: PDF copy of Voluntary Petition must contain the redacted Social Security Number.
  11. For Chapter 7 Cases: Presumption of Abuse Screen:
    • Choose either “no” or “yes” for abuse based upon the Means Test Information.
    • Click Next.
    • For all other Chapters, you will not get a specific screen, just Click Next.
  12. Receipt screen:
    • Verify filing fee amount.
      • If paying by the Internet - Leave Receipt # Field Blank and click Next.
      • If paying by Installment Payment - An initial payment of AT LEAST $75.00 must paid. Leave Receipt # Field Blank and change the fee amount to $75.00 or the amount you will be paying if over $75.00.
      • If asking for the Ch. 7 Filing Fee to be Waived - Enter "o" for Other Payment in the Receipt # field and change the fee amount to 0.00. Click Next. Docket Text: Modify as Appropriate screen: If needed, modify the text according to the court’s procedures.
    • Click Next.
  13. Docket Text: Modify as Appropriate screen:
    • If needed, modify the text according to the court's procedures. Click Next.
  14. Docket Text: Final Text screen:
    • Verify the final docket text before submitting. If correct, click Next.
      CAUTION!! This is the last screen. Clicking Next will submit this document to the database.If the final docket text is incorrect, click the browser Back button to find the screen to be modified. (Exception: the very first screen).To abort or restart the transaction, click the Bankruptcy hyperlink on the CM/ECF Menu bar.
  15. Notice of Electronic Filing screen:
    • The Notice of Electronic Filing is the verification that the filing has been sent electronically to the court’s database.It certifies that this pleading is now an official court document.
  16. Case number assigned.