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Creditor Matrix

Converting Creditor Matrix to a .txt File & Uploading the Creditor Matrix onto CM/ECF

Last update 10.3.22

In order for a creditor matrix to be successfully uploaded, it must be in a .txt file format.

General Matrix Format:

  • Names and addresses should be flush against the left margin
  • Do not include page numbers, headers, footers, etc.
  • The name and address of each creditor must be four (4) lines or less
  • Each line may contain no more than 40 characters including blanks
  • The creditor's name must be on the first line
  • No account numbers
  • City, state abbreviation and ZIP code must be on the last line
  • Nine digit ZIP codes must contain a hyphen separating the two groups of digits
  • All states must be two-letter abbreviations
  • Each creditor must be separated by at least one blank line

Converting Creditor Matrix to a .txt file using WordPerfect:

  1. From the File menu select Save As
  2. Select the location to save the file using the Save In drop down arrow
  3. Select ASCII DOS Text from File Type drop down list
  4. Name the File
  5. Click Save

Converting Creditor Matrix to a .txt file using Microsoft Word

  1. From the File menu select Save As
  2. Select the location to save the file using the Save In drop down arrow
  3. Select Text Only with Line Breaks or Plain Text as the Save as type
  4. Name the File
  5. Click Save  

Uploading the Creditor Matrix File onto CM/ECF

  1. Select Bankruptcy > Creditor Maintenance
  2. Click on Upload list of creditors file
  3. Enter Case Number (e.g. xx-xxxxx).  Click Next.
  4. Click the Browse button and upload the matrix (.txt file). Click Next.
  5. At the top of the screen verify the "Total Creditor Entered" amount is correct.  If correct, click Submit.
    1. If the number of creditor's are incorrect, do not click Submit.  Instead, click on Bankruptcy to cancel the uploading process. 
    2. Go to your (.txt file), review, make the corrections, save your file as (.txt file). 
    3. Upoad to CM/ECF following steps 1-5 above. 
  6. Notice of  Creditors Receipt screen displays.
    1. The Creditors Receipt certifies that the creditors have been added to CM/ECF.