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Rule 9006-1. Shortened Notice

Part IX. General Provisions

            A.         Motion. For good cause, a party may file a motion to expedite a hearing or shorten the resistance deadline of Local Rule 9013-1(B). The motion must be captioned “Motion for Expedited Hearing” or “Motion for Shortened Notice”, must be filed separately from the underlying motion, and cannot seek other relief. The motion must state the request and the reasons for the expedited hearing or shortened notice, and law and facts that support the motion. The movant does not have to serve the motion for order shortening time, which the court may determine ex parte.

            B.        Notice. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the movant must serve both the order shortening time and the underlying motion on all parties in interest entitled to notice and file a certificate of service. 

            C.        Proof of Service. The movant obtaining an order shortening time must: (1) make a good faith effort to advise all other parties and their counsel by telephone, letter, email or other means reasonably calculated to give prompt notice of the date, time, and substance of the motion; (2) advise the court, when the underlying motion is presented, of these efforts and whether anyone requested to be present; (3) transmit the motion and supporting evidence to all parties as soon as practicable; and (4) if the movant is not able to contact a nonmovant, file an affidavit stating the movant’s efforts to communicate and facts sufficient to show why the motion should be heard.

            D.        Objection to Shortened Notice. Before the hearing on the underlying motion, any party may object to the adequacy of the notice and for good cause shown, seek a continuance.